Thursday, January 31, 2008

Universal Toilet?

I have never really thought about how disabled people uses the washroom till I saw this article. I then realized how much effort it is fro disabled people to use a toilet and this design was a great solution. This universal toilet is made particulary for individual with disablilties. This was designed by Changduk Kim & Youngki Hong.

What I like about this is the designer not only thought of the innovation but the design of the toilet itself. The design is very classy and high class that could be seen in a high class loft or a condo. Not only it is well designed it is elegant and space efficient. Can't wait to see this toilet in the future.

A very cool frame by frame animation

Once in a while I would go on youtube to check the featured section and what's making the top view count list. Every so often I would come across videos that are actually worth watching than a bunch of Britney Spears video of her getting chased by the paparazzi. Yesterday I saw this video which I thought was pretty amazing, considering the amount of time it takes to do a frame by frame animation video. The creativity and videography that have went in this video was truly amazing and inspiring to those who have not tried frame by frame animation. I myself have tried this in grade 12 and I have to admit that it was hard but it was fun. It was something that you have to finish once you have started.

Macbook Air spoof

So I was looking at my favourite website for checking out the latest news in the world and I saw this article about a Macbook air. This article shows 3 "new" Macbooks. Macbook fire, water and earth. This article in my opinion is a waste of time but I found it a tad interesting because how they have designed each piece.

If you would like to check out the article click here.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

iLove my iMac

As a designer, I believe that it is almost impossible to choose one favourite design object. There are too many wonderfully designed objects to choose from, but while thinking if I really did have one, I came back to my all time favourite, an iMac. Not only because I have one but I believe that it really defines what design is, it is by its simplicity.

The reason why I chose iMacs as my favourite design object is because this computer is mainly targeted for designers like me. From the time that it first launched I thought design wise, is very astonishing and nothing I have ever seen before. Since 1998 Apple has always been consistent in how they have designed the exterior of an iMac. They were thinking, innovation by having the computer do what people wanted and with no extra mumbo jumbo.

Its simplicity, one of the main things I get out of iMacs is its minimalist design which also Apple’s essence. Being a simple person, and no to technologically advanced person I believe that iMac would be the best choice for me, when the price is not put into consideration.

Distinctive, out of all brand name computers/technology out there, I believe that Apple wins almost by a mile with brand recognition. Apple has done a great job to differentiate themselves from other with their trendy styles that they set. As a designer I believe that being distinctive and differentiating is important to being a successful graphic designer in the field

Overall, I believe that iMac is a great example what designers of today should be. That is also why iMacs are one of the most proffered computers by designers for its simplicity and innovation.

The Apple Revolution.

Apple Inc. has truly changed the ways of design. I believe that since 1984, Apple has directed where the world of digital design. Apple since then has been speaking to many designers with their innovative computer designs that helps designers improve on what they do that Is why I believe that Apple will continue to do so.

When I think of Apple, I think of design that is because of their simplicity and their easy to use innovations. Till now Apple has continued to surprise many with their continuous supply of surprise with technological innovation. They had taken what people want and used it to their advantage, compared to complicated PCs that people dread about for its complication to those who are technologically illiterate and packaged “FUN” along with their new inventions.

Though I was not able to witness or even see when the first Macintosh computers came out. It is not a surprise to me that Apple really did start the design revolution when their Superbowl commercial aired in 1984. They differentiated themselves from their competitors which as designers is our goal. To differentiate ourselves from other co-designers to be able to make a difference and I believe that apple is a great example.

In terms of future of apple of and design, I truly believe that Apple will continue to rock the world of design, with their simple and innovative ideas and will continue to cause long line ups on all their stores all over the world. I believe that Apple will continue to be consistent with their strategy on supplying the desires and interest of the common people.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Not Promoting Alcohol, Seriously.

Though I do not drink nor I want to promote the consuming of beer, OR agree with the concept of Evolution by Mr. Darwin. I wanted to share this video advertising by Guinness alcoholic drink because of its astonishing art direction and concept. Definitely a commercial many can remember and love.

Watching commercials or videos that contains such amazing effects inspires to want to be in animation or film but I know it takes a great deal of talent and a great gift in order to be successful in the business. So I can only wish.


Presenting Mr. Neto

Michael Neto. Analyzed.

Everyday we send signals to people when we talk to one another. Now, each body movment, tone of voice, and eye movement could give different impressions or communicate different things to others. In this post ill be analyzing a friend of mine Michael Neto, and also a part of my HW assignment.

- Monotone and often serious when he talks.
- The tone of voice often sounds that he is engaged in the conversation.
- likes to talk often, and be first and last to speak.
- When he talks eye to eye contact is made.
- Voice raises when interesting subject is being mentioned.

Visual/Visual Cues
- Very laid back and comfortable showing that he is laid back person.
- By looking at his surroundings and the way he dresses, Michael gives an impression that he is very simple person who does not care much about change in fashion. It shows that he is happy on what have.
- Sits very comfortably on his chair.

- Arms crossed at almost all times.
- At most times keeps still to his sit.
- Keeps a good breathing distance during conversations.

- No smell. maybe I my nose was stuffed that day.

Media is My Life

So I have tried to keep track of my media use this week. It was nothing suprising, but only an actualization that I am in need of more book readings. But none the less the results were not surprising but I wonder how different things would be if I was still back in my country were technology was not so dominant over people's lives.
Books = 30 min
Newspapers = 10 min
Magazines = 3 hours

Listening to the radio:
1 hour car radio

Listening to music:
15 hours (approx.)

Watching T.V:
10 hours

Watching movies on DVD/Internet:
0 hours
10 hours

On E-Mail:
10 hours (35 emails recieved/2 replied to)

Online surfing:
20 hours

Playing video games:
2 hours

Time on cell phone:
5 hours (talking)
30 min (text messaging)

TOTAL = 67.10 hours

IPod Nano and the Nanoscope! COOL!

I came across this while looking at Its pretty cool, funny and pretty ghetto but it's a start for a new invention. At first I though whats the purpose of magnifying the nano or even want to watch it on such a small or even on the magnifier. When I saw this, I was intrigued by how much time people have in their hand and what people think about at times. The producer of the video chose a very interesting song choice to go along with the music.

The downside about this invention is having to re-encode all your videos up-side down to be able to just watch a movie.

But I thought to myself, "why not try a video out to your television rather than inventing a magnifier?"

Mad TV - I Rack

Alright, so I consider myself as an Apple product fanatic, and ready to defend their products (excluding the new Mac book Air cause it SUCKS). I remember going through youtube searching for some apple related videos. Yes it's very nerd but it kept me busy. So while browsing i came across this video from a Mad TV episode about the Iraq issue that the U.S is facing but using the "I" product lines. I saw this and thought that it was brilliant how they could think of such brilliant concept and using metaphors to send a message to people. I thought that it was also funny and everyone should see it.

Making Art with Pencils LITERALLY!

So I was going through my old e-mails when I came across an old email I came across an old email from 2007. It is about a sculptor who builds his pieces out of pencils LITERALLY! The sculptor’s name is Jennifer Maestre.

According to her she was inspired from sea urchins by their “dangerous spine yet beautiful”. She makes these wonderful sculpture by cutting hundreds of pencils in to 1” sections, drills a hole in each section (to turn into beads) then sharpens and saws them all together. Most of her sculpts are animals. She was born in Africa but now lives in U.S

I remember the first time I saw this. I was first oblivious that her medium was sections of pencils. What an amazing work that probably took a lot of patience and creativity. I never really realized this till now; I just thought It looked nice. But it is very inspiring what artist or a normal person could do with ordinary common objects. Hmm maybe I should make my own using pennies! Probably won’t happen.

Also, after coming across this old e-mail about the sculptor. I did some research about her and found out that she also does work using other materials. She also uses beads, nails, pins and artist trading cards. Amazing, really defines creativity in my opinion.

After, seeing this sculpture again, today. I started missing the days were drawing was my known hobby and talent and pencil was my best friend. But technology has taken it away. Which led me to Graphic Designs so no regret! Hopefully you guys like what does sculptor did. I think its pretty amazing.

If you are interested for more information or interested about Jennifer Maestre click here.

Different way to make art with pencil

So I was going through my old e-mails when

Friday, January 11, 2008

My New Craze

I have always been fond of photography, ever since grade 10, but not being able to afford class camera rental costs prevented me in taking photography classes. So through out high school I had to stick to what I have and it is my trusty Sony Cybershot Camera. With it I learned basic compositions, rule of thirds and how to make a photo look interesting through photoshop.

Here are a few examples of my shots, uploaded in flickr

Not till last year Dec, 2007. After an extensive research about photography and how to use SLR cameras. I was ready to purchase my first SLR, a Nikon d40x. Purchasing and owning an SLR inspired me to do photography as a back-up gig. Specializing in wedding photography just as my cousin does it as well. Because of owning an SLR I have also gotten a job as an official photographer for different events and occasions, almost all of sudden. In the summer I will be shooting on a Church Anniversary, A Dedication, A Debut and A Wedding of a friend.

Through my research about wedding photPublish Postography and techniques that I can use to improve my shots. I came across a exceptional photographer who has a definite style and feel through out his work. He uses wireless trigger flash to get unique photos that not many photographers do. Which I believe differentiates him to many photographer in my opinion.

His name is Ed Pingol, He is a package design graduate that uses photography as his part time gig. He is a fellow Filipino who I look up to and admire his work, for its unique and dramatic quality and vibrancy of each of his shots.

In the Beginning

Hello All

This would be my first blog for quite a while. As the semester goes on my blog layout/design will be changing for I don't know exactly how I want my Blog to look like. So don't be disappointed on how it looks just yet.

My blog will consist of posts talking about subjects or objects that inspire me. From Designs, Designers, Commercials, Ads, Photography, etc. The content of this blog will mainly consist of media related topics rather than personal.
