Sunday, January 20, 2008

Making Art with Pencils LITERALLY!

So I was going through my old e-mails when I came across an old email I came across an old email from 2007. It is about a sculptor who builds his pieces out of pencils LITERALLY! The sculptor’s name is Jennifer Maestre.

According to her she was inspired from sea urchins by their “dangerous spine yet beautiful”. She makes these wonderful sculpture by cutting hundreds of pencils in to 1” sections, drills a hole in each section (to turn into beads) then sharpens and saws them all together. Most of her sculpts are animals. She was born in Africa but now lives in U.S

I remember the first time I saw this. I was first oblivious that her medium was sections of pencils. What an amazing work that probably took a lot of patience and creativity. I never really realized this till now; I just thought It looked nice. But it is very inspiring what artist or a normal person could do with ordinary common objects. Hmm maybe I should make my own using pennies! Probably won’t happen.

Also, after coming across this old e-mail about the sculptor. I did some research about her and found out that she also does work using other materials. She also uses beads, nails, pins and artist trading cards. Amazing, really defines creativity in my opinion.

After, seeing this sculpture again, today. I started missing the days were drawing was my known hobby and talent and pencil was my best friend. But technology has taken it away. Which led me to Graphic Designs so no regret! Hopefully you guys like what does sculptor did. I think its pretty amazing.

If you are interested for more information or interested about Jennifer Maestre click here.

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