Sunday, January 20, 2008

Media is My Life

So I have tried to keep track of my media use this week. It was nothing suprising, but only an actualization that I am in need of more book readings. But none the less the results were not surprising but I wonder how different things would be if I was still back in my country were technology was not so dominant over people's lives.
Books = 30 min
Newspapers = 10 min
Magazines = 3 hours

Listening to the radio:
1 hour car radio

Listening to music:
15 hours (approx.)

Watching T.V:
10 hours

Watching movies on DVD/Internet:
0 hours
10 hours

On E-Mail:
10 hours (35 emails recieved/2 replied to)

Online surfing:
20 hours

Playing video games:
2 hours

Time on cell phone:
5 hours (talking)
30 min (text messaging)

TOTAL = 67.10 hours

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