Sunday, January 20, 2008

Presenting Mr. Neto

Michael Neto. Analyzed.

Everyday we send signals to people when we talk to one another. Now, each body movment, tone of voice, and eye movement could give different impressions or communicate different things to others. In this post ill be analyzing a friend of mine Michael Neto, and also a part of my HW assignment.

- Monotone and often serious when he talks.
- The tone of voice often sounds that he is engaged in the conversation.
- likes to talk often, and be first and last to speak.
- When he talks eye to eye contact is made.
- Voice raises when interesting subject is being mentioned.

Visual/Visual Cues
- Very laid back and comfortable showing that he is laid back person.
- By looking at his surroundings and the way he dresses, Michael gives an impression that he is very simple person who does not care much about change in fashion. It shows that he is happy on what have.
- Sits very comfortably on his chair.

- Arms crossed at almost all times.
- At most times keeps still to his sit.
- Keeps a good breathing distance during conversations.

- No smell. maybe I my nose was stuffed that day.

1 comment:

Heather Lowry @hed_lo said...

You've got the signs recorded -- move further into analysis -- how and why do these things mean what they communicate?