- Being punctual is always good
Competition is good since it forces you to be better
To humble myself specially being in a field where pride is everywhere
To be more responsible
Being organize with my time
Learned how balance my social life and school life and my faith
Working ahead of schedule takes a load of your back
If in doubt ask for a colleagues opinion
Teamwork is great since you learn how others work and you learn to adapt
Hands on work is great
Being surrounded by things and people that inspires you helps you become a good designer
There is always a room for improvement
Being open for suggestions and ideas of other people.
Be unique. Don’t steal ideas if you do. Take other bits and pieces of idea and make it your own masterpiece
Good design should give a nice feeling to the audience
Clients will not choose good designs so make a safe design and ones that you put your effort to.
There is no such thing as a stupid idea because it’s a start of a great one.
Be aware of your surroundings you might not know what can inspire you
Be good to others for they might be your colleagues in the future.
Instructors are great mentors.
Don’t have high expectations.