Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Future of Print

In-class assignment

Consumed Media
Applied Arts 
Metro News Paper
24 News Paper

I do not consume print quite much because most of my information are from the internet. But from time to time I would pick up the daily news paper from Subway station stands. Only to consume the travel time on the bus for most times I only look at the ads and interesting news to read, like hockey news, design news and or electronics advertisements.

How will the current state of the design world change the form of print media?
Looking at the design world today, observing how print is now I have noticed that print have become more visually pleasing to the eye making it easier and alot interesting for those who are more visual to read. Myself specifically, find that it is a lot easier to read a article when a visual is co-inside with it. It makes it alot easier for me to visualize a story that I am reading. Where we are now compared to 100 years ago, people are alot iletrate because people are reading less, not saying that people do not read anymore, people still do but readers reduced drastically.Because of the new technolgiy being invted today, I believe that print will still be greatly reduced. Who knows the next big thing might be a video visual book so words are not needed in order to get a message across. Let's face it, this generation are not technologically based and this is a generation where print is not highly appreciated. People would rather read news or get information online, it is just way faster than searching a specific news in a newspaper or a book when you can just Google it. But I believe that no one can be really sure where print will be in the future, a lot of things are unexpected. One thing is for sure print will not die.

Will print die?
Off course not, as I mentioned earlier I believe print is here to say. Yes, it is not as valuable because all information are online but it the end some people would much rather have a piece of print on their hand to get information from. I myself find it a lot easier to have a assignment sheet on my hand to read from. Than having to look online for it. There is just something different from having a hard copy of something rather than digitally. For my print seems more official to me than having it digital since there are a lot of bogus material in the internet.

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