Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Intelligent Designer

After reading peoples blog today, one got me thinking about appreciation of things that are there but are often ignored and taken for granted. It got me thinking; about the times (many times really) I have heard this at Church or Youth Fridays (Yes Church). We have been told that an intelligent designer has created us. Yes I believe this. If I were asked who I believe the greatest designer is, it will be God.

He would be my number one choice since God designed us from His image. People are so precisely designed that every part of our body functions properly in order to live. Though this post would be a bit controversial because not everyone shares the same belief. I am just amazed how wonderfully designed humans are and even the place we live in are wonderfully designed in order for humans to survive and live in. I have read somewhere that even if the earth 2% closer to the sun, no vegetation is possible for it cannot stand the powerful radiation coming form the sun. Even 2 % further we could freeze to death. I found this amazing for no big bang could even precisely bring us to where we are.

That is why the belief n evolution would never cross my mind for humans are too wonderfully designed to be evolved from a tiny organism or if its only possible (we would be mutants by now.) I believe that everything has a designer just like the buildings, the watch we wear and the computers we used ever single day.

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