Saturday, February 9, 2008

What is design?

Design in my opinion has many meanings and cannot be condensed into one broad description. But I believe that Gyorgy Kepe’s description of design also best describes design. Design as the “language of vision”, communicating with visual elements that carry across a message or a meaning.

Translated in workplace description, design is a translation in which we are trying to communicate words in a visual way without losing the meaning that designers like me are trying to get across. Just as there is a language translator, we are visual translators which I believe where design comes into play.

I f I were asked what design as a whole I believe that design is every thing that is physical and can be see. Like what I said in my previous post I believe in an intelligent designer who created every living thing. Now, I believe design can also be described how art is described an expression of our inner feelings into something visual. That is why I also believe that there is not such thing as a bad design for design opinion is biased.

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