Saturday, March 8, 2008

AIGI Student Competition Episode 1 Reflection

Watching the AIGI student competition episode 1 was very entertaining and also quite disappointing at some areas. It was entertaining because I was able to draw myself into the competition and imagine being in the competition myself. Plus, It was really entertaining for me because the students talk they way I do when explaining a design rationale. I was quite disappointed because some of the designs were not as I would expect, being in front of 2000 of people. But I do understand that they are under some time constraints and I know how stressing it could be, especially when hitting a designer’s block.

Some of the students approach to the design brief was interesting to see. All of them gave a different solution and approaches when designing the Broncos logo. But I will admit that some are disappointing. That makes me wonder why they were even chosen. But there was one presentation that I was specifically impressed with, even though the design itself was not great, made me realize that presentation could also mean a lot when pitching an idea or a concept. But id also have to agree with a comment made by Andrew Clanahan that I have seen much better work in our Graphic Design class, so hands down to Humber Graphic Design students.

The way the judges critiqued was quite fun and laid back but at the same time disappointing. I thought that their judging could have been more constructive and what they could have done to make it better. I could almost imagine myself being in front of them and wondering “is that it?” I felt as if they needed to mention more helpful criticism. Also disappointed because they have chosen some logos that in my opinion are worst than the ones who got eliminated.

Overall I enjoyed the first episode of the show and learned that presentation counts as a big part of the power of your design and concept.

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