Saturday, March 1, 2008

Original 6: Book Set

Recently, We handed a big project for  Mrs. Dawn Lamberts class for editorial design class. I just wanted to share my experiences with process of this project. The experiences were a mix of bad and good. So I will start of with bad.

This project was a very expensive project that cost many people in-class to spend at least 50 dollars, from printing many pages of roughs and the finals that needed  to be printed on a cover stock. I find this very frustrating since as a student we are all are short in money. The other bad thing is the project is very time consuming over all taking at least 10 hours just assembling the project. Third thing is being exposed with the smell of glue for a long period of time caused massive headaches.

For good experiences, the project turned out really well. The topic were entrely up to us. Having to experience long hours of assembly was good I guess. And lastly the project could be used as one of my portfolio piece.

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