Thursday, March 20, 2008

Subliminal Messaging

I’ve had this video for a while and I thought that it fits well in graphic design field and also advertising. This video is about a British Magician/Physiological Illusionist named Derren Brown who does experiments with people, playing with their physiological thinking.

In this episode Derren Brown holds an experiment about subliminal advertising. How messages sticks to our minds consciously and subconsciously. In this episode he hires two advertisers to do a adverting job for him, after driving the two across the city. Before Darren brown has asked them to do a job he does his own rendition and predicted how their final designs would look at the end. The result was shocking to me for the result was almost completely alike design wise and concept wise. But what the two didn’t know that in the he explains to them in the end of their job is that he had carefully placed different signifiers and objects that he knows will affect their concept and design piece.

This is a great example of how we as designers are affected by messages such as advertising, logos, objects and more on how we design. How we design is pretty much a collection of messages we take in each day. This sets a trend that carries across for years until a new trend comes along that we designers transition into.

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