Sunday, April 20, 2008


Well, this was not really what I was expecting about the TTC strike. It might seem selfish but I actually wanted a TTC strike. I wanted reason to not go to school on a certain day this week but I guess I have to. I just find it a bit weird about this whole strike issue. Because I have recently found out that these workers earn 26 dollars an hour, I find it kind childish and selfish to ask for more when the ones getting affected are commuters by the raise of fair.

I find that here in North America, were are really spoiled. We always want more more and more though we know we have enough. Sure these TTC workers work their butt off but back in the Philippines, we would be millionaires if we earned 26 bucks an hour. Also I have heard from a friend that he found out that there was a TTC worker who earned 1 million a year. I was shocked because that would be more than I would be earning when I am working in the friend of Graphic design. So it makes me wonder why people always want more.

Source from

1 comment:

Orlenaaa said...

This strike may not have been about their income, but if the strike had happened, their income would have gone up which would make TTC tickets cost even more than they already do.